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A gothic tale of murder and corruption set in the world imagined by our most famous 19th century writers.
The story of the death of Sir Martin Malprelate acquired, from its earliest telling, a phantasmagorical quality, shrouding the violence of the assault in an embellishment of diabolic spectres and uncanny mystery.
Struck down in a Camden street, the railway magnate never lived to see his dream of a line from London to Middlemarch. But who was to blame? An angry mob? Or were the witnesses who swore he was struck by a demonic train, wheels ringing on rails where no rails lay, to be believed? A hated man who many wished dead? An impossible death?
Truly a case for the father of all detectives.
Adam Roberts is Professor of 19th Century Literature at Royal Holloway, London University. He is a leading authority on the works of Charles Dickens and has also published numerous books and academic studies on, amongst others, Browning, Tennyson, Wells, Walter Scott and Coleridge. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, Vice President of the H.G. Wells Society and the author of more than 20 critically acclaimed SF novels and a number of non-fiction books on the genre. He lives to the West of London with his wife and two children.